Episode 15: How to Manifest Your Goals in 2021


Welcome to the last Episode on the Blossom For Each Day Podcast this year: ‘How to Manifest Your Goals in 2021!’

2020 has shown us that everything in life is uncertain. We can’t control external things that are outside of ourselves, the only thing that is certain and that we can control, is within ourselves. Our thoughts, our actions and our words. You can control your inner world, your inner reality or as put, your consciousness. 

If you don’t set up a plan on where you’re going, you will end up going to random places, at which won’t be fulfilling, and won’t make your soul happy. If you’re planning on listening to this episode, it is probably for a reason, your subconscious mind liked the title or was drawn to hearing my two cents.

If you don’t do the work that is required on your inner self or consciousness, you will continue to be a reflection of the environment around you. Potentially, negative past memories & habits, those that no longer serve you, are still impacting you on a subconscious level today.

Possible reasons you may have failed at achieving your goals in the past;

  • You set yourself unattainable goals
  • You had too many goals, you overwhelmed yourself
  • You weren’t passionate about your goals, or they simply just didn’t excite you!
  • You gave up early, remember that the universe works in the 11th hour!
  • You didn’t make your goals a part of your reality (you need to visualise or embody your future self) 

Simply put, manifesting is achieving a goal or desire that you are thinking, feeling, acting and believing about yourself or your life. It’s about managing your internal reality so you can influence your external reality. When you manifest your goal or desire, you are therefore in alignment with your highest self.

The Process to Manifestation;

  • What you are grateful for, you will manifest more of in your life
  • What you FOCUS on expands
  • Celebration is one of the most important KEYS to manifesting 
  • Take inspired action
  • Stay focused on your mission

The Segments of Goal Setting that you should focus on; CHOOSE 3
1. Career/Business
2. Finance/Wealth
3. Friends/Family
4. Fun/Recreational/Entertainment
5. Health/Fitness
6. Love Life/Romance
7. Personal Growth/Spiritual Development
8. Physical Environment 

In 2021 mine are; Personal Growth & Spiritual Development, Finance & Wealth, and Friends & Family.

How to write your GOALS;
Put them on your wall, on your phone, anywhere you will see them!

Thank you for ___ OR I have achieved ____ Thank you.

Leave me a review (and send a screenshot) to receive my Personal Positive Affirmation Meditation!!!!!!! 😉

Discussion Links:

Forgiveness Meditation: Ancient Hawaiian forgiveness ritual, called Ho’oponopono 
Test 1: Ennegram Personality Test
Test 2: Life Path by Dan Millman
Test 3: Human Design Chart by Jenna Zoe

Episodes are uploaded every Monday. If you liked listening, please rate & review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast provider. I am so grateful for your support.


Discussion Links:

You can find me on:
Instagram @blossomdaisycreative
Facebook Blossom Daisy Creative
Website blossomdaisycreative.com

If you liked listening, please rate & review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast provider. Produced by Blossom Daisy Creative Pty Ltd. You can listen to Episode 13 here.

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